
Can Science-based Video Games Help Kids with Autism?

Games support mastery, exploration — they’re safe ways to try out things.

Leanne Chukoskie, Ph.D. Associate Research Scientist, UCSD Qualcomm Institute, Director, Power of NeuroGaming Center

Research on Autism and Development Lab (RADLab), located just outside of the UCSD main campus, is a sister lab to PoNG Center. RADLab’s director Jeanne Townsend and PoNG’s director Leanne Chukoskie’s research on attention in individuals with Autism has brought forth the suite of attention training games that helped create Power of NeuroGaming Center and BrainLeap Technologies to further spread the scientific, evidence-based intervention.

This article dives into the world of intervention games for the Autism community and the research behind them.

Read the full article here on, by Sarah DeWeerdt


Experience is the best teacher, and hackathons are all about experience. In this hackathon weekend, participants will use eye and movement sensors to create games. Prizes will be awarded to teams that demonstrate the most effective use of motion controls, the most creative use of motion controls, and the best game using motion controls.