PoNG Center was able to start our the first ever Summer Internship with the support of the San Diego Foundation and the Legler Benbough Foundation. We took on the awesome and humbling task of providing an internship for up to 25 young adults, some of whom self-identify as on the autism spectrum.
In this internship, each team was given a research topic and tech equipment to incorporate into their games. Read below for more information about each projects.
Balloon Pop
Balloon Pop uses the Tobii 4C Eyetracker to train eye movement control in toddlers by incorporate the principles of eye movement as defined in the literature.
UniVRse is a virtual reality game on the FoVE VR that addresses visual attention and social cognition in teen to young adults.
Equilibrium is a Unity 3D game that uses the BTrack Balance Plate to test balance in populations that may have poor balance and serves as a possible training tool by repetitive and continued play.
Need Space
Interactive two-player eyetracking game that uses the principles of attentional gaze to play. With the Eyetech VT3 XL, Need Space allows for both cooperative and competitive modes
Sight Seekers
Mobile app that helps older adults maintain and develop navigation skills while exploring their outside world. It incorporates landmark type activities on campus to help reinforce walking behavior.
Meet the Interns!
Benjamin Marta
Victor Chacon
Meet the Coaches!